
Your New Playlist

By Jon Acuff

This First Edition of Your New Playlist has been personally signed by Jon Acuff. It includes a COA from Premiere Collectibles.


This Paperback Edition of Jon Acuff's Your New Playlist is autographed on a bookplate by Jon Acuff.

When Jon Acuff's book Soundtracks, came out, one reaction surprised him. Parents across the country all said the same thing: "Do you have a version for teenagers? If I knew how to change my mindset when I was that age, my entire life would have been different." Why did they say that? Because truth grows like compound interest. Saving money when you're young has a bigger impact than it does when you save in your 40s. A single new soundtrack--Acuff's phrase for a repetitive thought--believed when you're 14 or 18 can change your whole life in the same way. In response, Acuff tagged his two daughters to help him create an honest, actionable guide to mindset for teenagers. Your thoughts can work for you or against you, but the good news is you get a choice. The even better news is when you're young, your entire world is made of new. You're a movie that's barely started, a notebook with blank pages to fill, a song that hasn't hit the chorus. You have your whole life ahead of you. When you learn to create new thoughts, those thoughts lead to actions, and those actions lead to new results. Are you ready to tap into the superpower of mindset? Just hit play.

Get your Jon Acuff autographed book today!

Product Details

  • Pages: 192 pages
  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Release Date: September 13, 2022
  • ISBN-13: 9781540902481
  • Edition: Autographed Paperback Bookplated Edition

About The Author

Jon Acuff is the New York Times bestselling author of nine books, including Soundtracks, Your New Playlist, and the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done. When he's not writing or recording his popular podcast, All It Takes Is a Goal, Acuff can be found on a stage as one of INC's Top 100 Leadership Speakers. He's spoken to hundreds of thousands of people at conferences, colleges, and companies around the world, including FedEx, Range Rover, Microsoft, Nokia, and Comedy Central. He lives outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife and two daughters. L.E. Acuff is a junior at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. In addition to writing books, she loves skimboarding, Frisbee, and skiing. When she's not behind a laptop, she's creating clothing at her sewing machine or music at her piano. McRae Acuff is a freshman at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. She runs cross-country, teaches art at an after-school program, and is somewhere babysitting right now. This is her second book and hopes she can convince Taylor Swift to endorse the next one.

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This Paperback Edition of Jon Acuff's Your New Playlist is autographed on a bookplate by Jon Acuff.

When Jon Acuff's book Soundtracks, came out, one reaction surprised him. Parents across the country all said the same thing: "Do you have a version for teenagers? If I knew how to change my mindset when I was that age, my entire life would have been different." Why did they say that? Because truth grows like compound interest. Saving money when you're young has a bigger impact than it does when you save in your 40s. A single new soundtrack--Acuff's phrase for a repetitive thought--believed when you're 14 or 18 can change your whole life in the same way. In response, Acuff tagged his two daughters to help him create an honest, actionable guide to mindset for teenagers. Your thoughts can work for you or against you, but the good news is you get a choice. The even better news is when you're young, your entire world is made of new. You're a movie that's barely started, a notebook with blank pages to fill, a song that hasn't hit the chorus. You have your whole life ahead of you. When you learn to create new thoughts, those thoughts lead to actions, and those actions lead to new results. Are you ready to tap into the superpower of mindset? Just hit play.

Get your Jon Acuff autographed book today!

Product Details

  • Pages: 192 pages
  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Release Date: September 13, 2022
  • ISBN-13: 9781540902481
  • Edition: Autographed Paperback Bookplated Edition

About The Author

Jon Acuff is the New York Times bestselling author of nine books, including Soundtracks, Your New Playlist, and the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done. When he's not writing or recording his popular podcast, All It Takes Is a Goal, Acuff can be found on a stage as one of INC's Top 100 Leadership Speakers. He's spoken to hundreds of thousands of people at conferences, colleges, and companies around the world, including FedEx, Range Rover, Microsoft, Nokia, and Comedy Central. He lives outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife and two daughters. L.E. Acuff is a junior at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. In addition to writing books, she loves skimboarding, Frisbee, and skiing. When she's not behind a laptop, she's creating clothing at her sewing machine or music at her piano. McRae Acuff is a freshman at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. She runs cross-country, teaches art at an after-school program, and is somewhere babysitting right now. This is her second book and hopes she can convince Taylor Swift to endorse the next one.

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